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Youth workers need…

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to see youth work as a process of mutual learning and to see the need for constant competence development.

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If youth work is to respond constructively to changes in society and the changing needs and interests of young people, youth workers must be receptive to these changes, reflect on them, seek ways to develop new competences and incorporate their new insights into their practice.
One crucial source for gaining this knowledge is the young people they interact with. This is why youth work always should be seen as a process of mutual learning.



Guiding questions

To what degree does our local youth work meet this bullet point?

Are there sides/aspects of it that are not reached?
Are there differences related to different activities?
Are there differences related to different groups of young people?
Are there differences related to different youth work providers?
Are there other differences? Related to what?

Specific questions
  • How do we secure that our youth work is up to date with new developments in society, e.g. digitalization and youth environment activism?
    • Which are the main topics for competence development that we, as youth workers, are asking for?
  • How do we use the knowledge and insights of young people to develop our youth work organisation and practice?
  • Is our youth work looking the same as it did five or ten years ago?
    • Is competence development seen as luxury and not as a necessity?


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Good practices & tools

  • engage.ch – How to improve active Youth Citizenship & Participation

Learn more 

  • What volunteering in open youth center is about

Learn more 

Future steps

What different steps do we need to take in order to meet this bullet point?

Do we miss any knowledge that we need?
Do we need to take contact with stakeholders not present in our discussions?
Do we need to develop new competences, methods, work processes or organisational structures?
Can we find good practices or tools that might help us to improve this?
Do we have positive experiences from other areas of youth work that we can use also in this case?
Are there other organisations that we can contact and learn from regarding this?
Do we need to take other measures?
Do we have to revise our perspectives and/or priorities regarding youth work?

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